john 10 artinya
- john: yohanes; john; santo yohanes penginjil; saint
- 10: x; dasawarsa; sepuluh; dekade
- ×10^: e
- john: yohanes; john; santo yohanes penginjil; saint john; st. john; yohanes evangelis; john lackland; king john; kakus; toilet; kamar ganti; tandas; wc; jamban; kamar mandi; kamar kecil
- 10 bc: 10 sm
- 10 megametres: 10 megameter
- 10 petametres: 10 petameter
- 10 yottametres: 10 yottameter
- 10 zettametres: 10 zettameter
- acts 10: kisah para rasul 10
- ad 10: 10
- april 10: 10 april
- august 10: 10 agustus; 10 ogos
- ben 10: ben 10 (2005 tv series); ben 10
- canton 10: kanton herzeg-bosnia
- What about Jesus? Does he have anything to say about this? In John 10, Jesus contrasts Himself with false teachers. These false teachers lead people astray; they were bad shepherds. Jesus calls them thieves.
Bagaimana Yesus? Apakah dia punya sesuatu untuk dikatakan tentang hal ini? dalam Yohanes 10, Yesus kontras sendiri dengan guru-guru palsu. Guru-guru palsu menyesatkan orang; mereka gembala buruk. Yesus menyebut mereka pencuri.